Books & Resources

Here’s a list of Bridget’s recent children’s books  – newest at the top. 
Click on each book for more details and some fun downloadable activities and resources.
A young Stone Age girl and her new dog friend holding a stick and ready for an adventure!


text and illustrations by Bridget Marzo, to be published by Otter-Barry Books in February 2024. Paperback  out February 2025.

Buy it here.

A circle of people of all kinds and ages hand in hand around the title and 2 crawling babies

You, Me and our Whole Wide World

text and illustrations by Bridget Marzo, published by Walker Books UK

Buy paperback here

Selected by Candy Gourlay as her best book of the year for Booktrust :  ‘a tonic for a generation …. Bridget Marzo builds a kind, all embracing world with every stroke of her brush, shining a bright light filled with hope. This is a book to treasure.

Tiz & Ott’s Big Draw

text and illustrations by Bridget Marzo, published by Tate UK and Abrams US’Out of a deep hole emerges a rainbow-coloured ladder. A joy of a book – all ages.’ (Kate Kellaway in the Observer). A fine way to encourage artistic license for the very youngest of makers…” (Kirkus star review)

Buy it here

Le Doudou du Loup

par Celine Claire.  Illustrations par Bridget Strevens (Marzo!) Bayard Jeunesse France.  Petit-Loup a envie de devenir un grand-méchant loup, comme ses parents. Jusqu’au jour où il doit tuer et manger un lapin. Oui, un lapin, comme son doudou adoré, Pimpin ! …

Bridget’s book of English

Bayard Jeunesse France

A fun flap-book introducing 200 English words and expressions for children to get a first taste of English as they follow a furry family through the day.

Tous les mots anglais de la vie courante présentés en images, avec des volets à soulever !
Six tableaux animés présentent la vie quotidienne d’une famille attachante : le petit déjeuner, la toilette. la ville. l’école. le coucher, la fête.
C’est l’occasion de découvrir plus de 200 mots et expressions en anglais mis en scène de façon ludique avec des volets à soulever et des surprises.

Les Contes a Colorier

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